Over the past seven years, Gareth Jones has made a huge mark on the international seduction community as one of the most genuine, diligent, thoughtful, and thorough teachers in the industry. Having run successful training in nearly every major city in the US, he moved on to cover London, Melbourne, Sydney, Prague, Budapest, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Paris, and Belgrade! Gareth is highly regarded for his focus on style and grace in interactions, and has been featured several times on national television programs (NBC’s Bay Area News and ABC’s Nightline) and international programs alike. He has been voted Best New PUA in the World at the Global Pick Up Summit and Trainer of the Year by the world’s largest lair. Most recently, he’s clocked in at #5 on PUALingo’s list of best dating coaches.

Gareth is known worldwide as a life-changing in-field coach and as the master of phone and text game. With linguistic skill and breakdown unequalled, he reports incredible results from students almost immediately, teaching skills that are immediately translatable. Gareth’s coaching polishes game and brings skills to a James Bond level of suave.
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