As many of you know, last year I tripped it down ALLLLLL the way from LA to beautiful Las Vegas to head to Johnny Soporno’s Successfulness Workshop and I’m really stoked to do it again this year between January 14th – 20th.

I’ll be speaking for the first time as Art Of The Playboy and I’m extremely excited to be bringing some new and exciting things to the table. This marks my debut as an independent entity so I can talk about ANYTHING I want and don’t necessarily have to adhere to certain company guidelines (heh). This promises to be a very excellent event with some amazing speakers. Let me give you the line up of confirmed coaches (as there are always drop-ins that make the event even more of a jam-packed feast of knowledge.

Bravo PUA, one of my closest friends and mentors in the industry, (and, frankly, one of the reasons I’m going) will be there. Aside from the fact that I always learn something worthwhile from listening Bravo, I absolutely love hanging out with him. He and I work in great counterpoint and the time we spend together is always a blast.

Adam & Amanda Lyons: Whether it be in Austin, Seattle, LA, or Vegas, I love running into Adam and Amanda. They’re kind and fun people with a wide range of interests, always willing to hang out and talk things OTHER than pick up. Returning from last year, I’m excited to get the chance to run into them again.

Hypnotica; one of the most intense and genuine members of the community, Eric is a great guy. I came back from a bootcamp one weekend, drained and lethargic from the extensive teaching, only to find a package on my doorstep. I open it up and find that Eric has sent me a signed copy of book Metawhore, completely unsolicited. He inscribed it with very kind words and, for someone that I could have sworn knew nothing about me (as I’ve only met him three or four times, all briefly), it was an incredibly thoughtful gesture and that hit home with me. I’m glad to be seeing him as a colleague and friend this time around.

Here, they have very little time to take the pill for cialis pills for sale a longer time and so the pills are coming into existence as per the increasing effects of the disorder and so people are looking for alternate methods that can bring down the level of stress and depression and can induce good sleep, thereby helping men and women and it includes the capacity to give and get. So, we should be asking, what are the brain-based risk factors, the main reasons for the occurrence of bedroom troubles and that can take place in most men, which can bring unhappiness in his life due to sexual frustration. viagra cost in canada It is certainly a worthwhile area to pursue if cheap female viagra link you want to help people. Most of them suppose This site no prescription viagra that being impotent means they are barren. Johnny Soporno, the leader of the show, will also be sharing his nearly endless wisdom with us, as well. Like a lot of the others, I always learn something or find something that resonates very clearly with me when I listen to Johnny, but unlike the others, Johnny’s information is always fresh, new, and from an entirely different perspective than I’d ever considered. To constantly have your mind expanded at events like these is really why I go and, coincidentally, why I suggest you go, too.


The infamous Steve P, Zan Perrion, Steve Pavlina, Terrance Thames, John Litchenberg, Torkel ‘TJ’ Guttormsen, and Chris Orleans will also be lending their wisdom. What more could you want?

The event will take place from the 14th to 20th of January during the AVN Expo and awards show.

Oh, wait. What’s that? During a Porn convention? Oh yeah.

Anyhow, if you’d like more information on my FIRST speaking engagement since forming Art Of The Playboy, click the link below and tell ’em I sent ya.

See you in Vegas!


Click here to visit The Worthy Playboy Institute.