Luckily for me (or to my chagrin, depending on whether we’re discussing competition or not), there’s not much information on the art of the playboy out on the internet. For most enthusiasts, I believe, it probably seems like an unattainable goal, which it really isn’t.

If you follow (like the friend that posted this link on my wall does), you may be familiar with his article on “How to Become an International Playboy.” Of course, it wasn’t long before this article was shared with me and I think, for the most part, it’s actually quite a neat little summary. It details Roosh’s ideas on become a sort of “Playboy-lite,” being as it would be extremely difficult to fully embrace the playboy lifestyle completely. In my workshops and private training, I teach the specifics of the gentleman mentality and the finer point of developing a personality and lifestyle the supports the idea of being a complete playboy and adding playboy elements to your life, which gets quite a bit further than this overview does (as it’s obviously meant just as an overview for a diet version of a playboy lifestyle), but I did find a few things about this article I’d like to comment on.

For the most part, I do agree with the majority of this piece and think it will be of benefit for you to read,  but I’ve embedded (in blue bold) a few points to expand or clarify my points.

My friend James and I demonstrating a 21st century playboy skill: Selfies.

First, the original article, the links of which I’ve left intact (I hope Roosh won’t mind me quoting him here!):

How To Become An International Playboy

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By Roosh

The Wall Street Journal recently published an excellent article called Death Of A Playboy. It argues that cultural and economic factors have put an end to playboy lifestyles of the likes of Peter Beard, Gunter Sachs, and Porfirio Rubirosa. This is no surprise if you consider that a big part of that lifestyle was the pursuit of elite hobbies like car racing and polo that get little interest in today’s internet age. Yesterday’s culture was also more inclined to embrace the mild chauvinism that came with being a playboy. If those playboys lived today, the media would simply highlight how badly they treat their mistresses and publish gotcha shots of their hairy naked asses on private beaches.

What can be achieved today is a form of a playboy-lite lifestyle, where fewer men can become true playboys but more can experience a taste of what real playboys had. You no longer need to be a millionaire with special connections to hit the hot spots of the world. You don’t need to be the most interesting man in the world to sleep with beautiful foreign women. It’s true you won’t have access to supermodels and high-society events, but you will experience things that your dad could have only dreamed of.

Here are the steps into becoming a lite playboy:

1. Set your own work hours. You can’t be a playboy if another man is dictating how you must spend your time. You should be at liberty to hop on a plane to explore a new city whenever you desire. This probably means you need to start an internet business. Come up with an idea this month, put at least one hour a day into it for the next two years, and you’ll be on your way.

2. Stay in centrally located apartments. Hostels are great for backpacking but horrible for the playboy lifestyle, and hotels are expensive and not comfortable for long trips. A recent innovation that makes it easier to stay in affordable apartments is Airbnb, where homeowners rent you their places at prices that are cheaper than hotels. The first apartment I rented through them was nicely decorated and got many compliments from the women I brought over.

3. Play the numbers game. You won’t truly leverage your strengths unless you’re putting yourself in front of a lot of women. Whether via internet, day, or night game, you should be always prospecting for talent and squeezing them through your fuck funnel. There’s no escaping the game grind.

4. Pursue a unique hobby. The playboys of old kill us with their sportsmanship and artistic endeavors, but that shouldn’t stop you from spending at least one hour a day on photography, writing, music, or language. There has to be something in your life that is not just about pussy and money, that gives you meaning when—for whatever reason—you need a break from the two. If there’s nothing more to your existence than ass and cash, you set yourself up for depressing periods of emptiness and frustration.

“Pursue a unique hobby” is a good point and these points are (obviously) true, but you can’t just have a ‘unique’ hobby. Having a unique hobby is great (and important to the development of who you are), but you need to have a hobby that helps you socialize. A huge percentage of being a playboy is socializing and having excuses to interact with other people. There isn’t enough focus on interaction, nor is there enough specificity surrounding the hobbies that you have. In the past, most of these hobbies playboys pursued were competitive, social, and fun. Writing is a good hobby, but will not make you a playboy, nor will bug-collecting.

5. Assemble a good crew. You should be extremely selective about the men you invite into your world. Unless a man is in the same boat as you, or vigorously working to get there, he should be no more than an acquaintance, because there is a high chance he will bring you down and sabotage your efforts. I prefer rolling with a wingman, but if the man isn’t of high character and worth, I’ll go it alone. Thankfully, the internet has a way of bringing together men of like-minded interests. I’ve met many men from the forum who I trust and I’m sure I’ll meet many more.

I see Roosh’s point here, but I think that, while this is partially correct, it’s most important to have GENUINE people around you. When he says “a man is in the same boat as you,” I think that alludes too much to finances and status, the latter of which will generally come from genuine interactions. That poor friend you have that has lived in NYC all his life may not be able to go to Monaco with you at the drop of a hat, and may prefer to sip one $4 bud light all night, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be your best friend and ally when you’re in NYC for a weekend.

Living the playboy-lite lifestyle can be done for only $2,000 a month. You can find a nice apartment for under $1,000 a month in most European cities and walk yourself to the best bars, cafes, and clubs to drink to your heart’s content for modest prices. You can’t afford to get bottle service in the hottest club every weekend, but you can put yourself in front of beautiful women and let your game, which you’ve honed in the West (For those of you that have been on the Eurotour to Prague and Serbia and Budapest, you’ll know what I’m hinting at when I say it’s probably wiser to hone your skills on women in Eastern Europe than it is to practice in the West. Boy were MY eyes opened this summer, hah!), do the rest. Making $2,000 a month via the internet is not easy but very doable. The good news is that many cities in South America and Eastern Europe open up to you starting at $1,500 a month.

Also, probably a bad idea to admit this, but living for $2000/mo and doing all of these things is really only applicable in some cities. To live on a tiny amount of money requires an extreme amount of networking and investigation, which will take both time and capital. If you spend $800 on an apartment for the month, that gives you $40/day with which to go out and eat with friends, have drinks later, and woo a young lady. Yes, of course it can be done, but in London, $40USD is two gin and tonics, so I’m saying more that it is a misleading figure, rather than I am saying “You need lots of money to be a playboy.”

I don’t care for the playboy term or even want to say I am one, but as my years living abroad stacks up, it’s getting easier to compete with the local men to get desirable women. I could go into a city and within a week, have my finger around what it takes to enjoy it, both emotionally and sexually. As I continue traveling and the number of girls I maintain correspondence with goes up, I realize there are now many cities I can step foot in and have a good chance of getting laid within 24 hours.

I didn’t accomplish this lifestyle overnight. I pounded the pavement for years, (This is the very important part and he is very correct. But I believe that ‘the playboy’ is something you generate within yourself, not around you. You know those people that make you feel like a trillion dollars whenever they’re around? And it maybe took them $10 because they bought you that beer while you had that interesting conversation? Those people didn’t need to spend a week in that city learning how to make YOU feel good at that PARTICULAR bar. They cultivated it within themselves.) first in my own country and then through visits in more than twenty others over the course of several years. I can tell you that it’s great to hit a club in a foreign city and look around at the men and realize that I’m not a little fish like I was in the past, that all I have to do is put in the work and get what’s coming to me.

Following the theme of the playboy spirit coming from within, I also have to stress that many women, all the time, every day is not needed to enjoy life and create fun around you. Of course I come from a seduction background and am known for having many lovers, but it must be stressed that this is not for everyone. All of the original playboys were married (often many times), but were not necessarily notorious adulterers. Women are an irreplaceable addition to your life that is unmatched by anything else, however they are capable of making your happier, not happy. As my first rule of the playboy states, we must solve our own problems and take care of our own struggles first and foremost, not subject them onto other people. To be in a monogamous relationship or even no relationship at all while still following the tenets of the playboy is more true to the playboy spirit than surrounding yourself with hired women of no substance while trying to use them to fill a hole in yourself that you haven’t managed to.


I think you can see that being a playboy, at first, seems very material, you’re right. The money and cars and traveling and fine champagnes are an integral part of living that complete lifestyle. It absolutely does seem that way. However, I believe that in order to reap the true benefits of a true playboy lifestyle; integrity, honesty, and the ability to increase the quality of the lives around you, are incredibly important parts of developing a worthwhile stay on this planet. It seems obvious to me that without that kind of spiritual fulfillment (which is almost incidental, in a sense), a man will simply end up like unhappy rich, paying prostitutes and drinking his way to an early death. None of us want that and so we become whole men bent on enjoying life, living it to the fullest, and making it a better place.

As a reminder, I will be in Las Vegas from January 11th to January 21st, speaking at Johnny Soporno’s Successfulness Conference and will be entertaining private students, as well. If you’re interested in training with me in the city of sin, pack a tuxedo, an extra handkerchief, and head over to the Contact page to inquire about availability.

Hope this helps,