“A Playboy treats people the way he would like to be treated.”

How to:
Step 1) Calibrate
Step 2) Do.

What we know as the Golden Rule (a term from 1670) dates back to 1300 B.C. and is one of the longest lasting ethical codes of morality that exist today.

And it still exists for a reason.

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At AOTP, we teach that, above all, one must take care of themselves and make sure that their pleasure and enjoyment is being satisfied before anything else. However, the first stipulation that we must always remind people when instructing them of our methods, is that IN NO WAY should your pleasure adversely affect anyone. Think about this.

It can also be said that just because we are acting in an autonomous way (acting in accordance with one’s moral duties), it does not mean that we are sacrificing pleasure in any way. You’ve heard the old saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?” I think that our “work” (in this case, adhering to our moral code) should line up directly with our “play” (seeking our own enjoyment). In fact, I would go so far as to say that our own moral code should be designed in order to give pleasure to ourselves without disrupting others on their own journey.

Think of it as a sort of Autonomous Enjoyment.

To add to that, the playboy understands that once his own affairs of pleasure are taken care of (not completed, just organized), he has a RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the pleasures of those around him. Whether it be holding the door for the person behind you, or offering your spare handkerchief to the woman next to you, since you have already taken care of all the things you need to take care of, you can now turn your attention to the world around you. Make sense?

This idea goes back to the concept that because we are people of higher awareness and privileges, we have a responsibility to make the world around us a better place. By studying the art of pleasure, we find ourselves quicker to achieve our own enjoyment, quicker to identify another’s enjoyment, and much quicker to add to it.